See what she sees!!!

she walks in the room,

can you see her tears,

she takes each step slowly,

can you see her fears,

she knows she was done wrong,

but she wont tell a soul,

can you see her heart breaking,

she bumps into him,

he lifts her head,

tells her she can let go,

she looks and is speachless,

he noticed her,

she never says a word,

he sees her crys,

and tells her its ok, sit down,

she touches her way, feeling it all,

does he see what she sees,

no, nothing's there,

she sits, he waits

she wipes a tear but is followed by another

eyes are gray-blue, he cant stop staring,

she opens her mouth, but can't speak her mind,

can you see what she sees,

no, nothing at all,

he begins to speak, she listens,

what happened to you, she relives her pain,

I, I is all she can remember, he sits and wonders,

its okay, its okay, he reliefs her mind,

slowly she waits, gathering her thoughts,

can he see what she sees,

no, nothing at all.

He caresses her cheek, she responds quickly,

she is caught off guard, but a smile releast her lips,

she is strong, but he doesnt see it now

she is weak, she knows this is true,

what happened out there, she relives her misery,

can he see what she sees,

no, nothings there,

I know this is hard for you, he hasnt got a clue,

but can you tell me, she will very soon,

he doesnt remember, she knows everyday,

she finally speaks and asks, did you ever remember

remember what?

the little girl, that got hurt

he doesnt understand, she learned every second,

you hurt a girl, he is not faking,

can he see what she sees,

no, there is nothing,

a little girl about five or so, he begins to wonder,

you hurt her badly, and yet your still there,

he sits confused, knowing what he knows,

will you please explain, your not all here,

you just are hurt, something terrible she yearns,

I, I is all that escapes her mouth, her tears flow harder,

she asks can you see what i can see,

no he replys with a look of anger,

i was that girl, i remember you,

the smell of your clothes linger, each day i wake,

i remember the night you came, and did wrong,

he sits inferiated, but is still calm,

the night you hurt me, the night you took my soul,

I dont know you, he says, you must be mistaken

no, no i am not,

can he see what she sees,

no,there is nothing there,

the smell i smell it, its you,

you came into my room, you told me to be quiet,

you hurt me, you hurt me,

she yells, but no one listened that night,

you took a razor and cut,

you poured bleach on my face, all a big joke,

can he see what she sees

no, there is nothing,

he recalls his past but how can it be, i finished what i started

she says you took my sight, you took my voice

you took my heart, you took my soul

can you now see what i see,

no of course not,

i see more then you do, and you dont even know,

that night,cold as ice,

the chill of his heart grew black,

i'm that little girl, blind and cant speak,

you took my life, because it was all a joke

now your mine, and i will never let you go,

she blew a kiss and said goodbye,

and felt her way up, walked out the door,

he was all alone, scared and silenced

he looked around, and saw nothing,

that night she took what she came for,

he blinded her, and killed her

she took his soul, in a way he never thought,

she let him live, but in fear,

he no longer can see what she saw

he no longer can speak the truth,

she took that from him, the day he decided to be a murder

she saw it all

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how deep can you be when you decide to set free, in ways that should never happen...

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Silver__lining's picture

great poem

great imagery from this

can you hear me now?