I believe that luck surrounds us as we journey along life’s path

Sometimes we experience her joy, sometimes we feel her wrath.


None of us are immune to her visits shell bring us pleasure as well as pain

The best we can do is savor the sunshine and find ways to dance the rain.


Yesterday morning I went out to my car with the sun shining bright overhead

But when I turned the key in the ignition...nothing happened...the battery was dead.


What rotten luck I thought to myself what a bad way to start my day

Then I realized it’s not all that bad, at least I have triple A.


In the last month we lent both Bryan and Ryan my car, we’re retired and my car’s the spare.

I’m glad while they were driving all over town the battery didn’t die in their care.


I’m reminded when Whitman, our golden, passed away, he made it to the mountains one last time

When the grandchildren visited, even in his weakened state, up the stairs he would climb.


Yes, his last summer with us you might say our Whitman put on quite a grand show

And it wasn’t until after the grandchildren left that he relaxed and decided to go.


Could it be that, although not always successful, good luck tries its best to assure

That she is always there to minimize any bad luck we’re destined to endure?


I like to think we have guardian angels who ride on our shoulders in good times and sing...

But when times get tough and bad luck looms they let us ride on their wings.


Guardian angels who take the bad luck we have and somehow turn them into rhymes...

How else can you explain a battery and a golden retriever dying at the best of all possible times?




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A new friend of mine told me

A new friend of mine told me recently, 'Luck' and 'Shit' are two words we should remove from our vocabulary. I haven't adhered to this concept. But I think I understand. I suppose the alternative word would be 'fortunate'. Which, perhaps is a better word.


My battery died recently when I was in the French Quarter. (I left the fan running). I had an old pair of jumper cables as well as AAA. Put my call in to AAA. Then asked someone for a jump. They didn't have enough time to run any juice into my battery. I thought, Oh no! It's gonna be 2am before they get here. I could see a police car coming down the road, so I waved it down. The two police officers were very kind and gave me a jump start. :) Very fortunate!


I enjoyed the read and could relate on a number of levels. :)

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