Love is...

Love is:

Tuesday:    i would define it as totaly trusting that person, willing to do anything for them, being totaly honest with them, willing to give them a second chance if they screw up

Megan:  someone that u care bout that u would like to go father,and have the relationship mean somethin

Ashley:   yeah i know there is such a thing but i dunno how to describe it

Gretchen: in my opinion love is a feeling that you can't express because it's so wonderful is caring for someone so much

Amber:   umm.....when u really care about someone, and you spend your every waking moment thinking about them, and u dream about them...well, sometimes.....and when you can't help but think about them when u listen to specific songs on the radio, and when u see them, ur day just seems to get soo much better...and when you touch them, its like, you have no other fears, and when you dance together....

or hold hands, or are just together, you feel alone, and like you have no other worries or cares in the world,

you hate seeing that person cry, and get mad when you can't make it better

you wish you could take away the pain, but you really can't, and it hurts u inside, when you have to wait for htem, knowing you feel that way, but, they don't know how you feel, or how they really feel

Me: ok, Love to me is complete trust, caring, and faithfulness.  You can forgive that person you love if anything happens, and the feeling will never go away.  Love isn’t only a feeling, it is also an action, you have to show that you love someone by kissing or stuff like that, but sometimes just saying "I love you" is enough. You shouldn’t care about what other peeps think about the one you love.  You should treat them with a lot of respect and kindness and adore them.  BUT Sometimes love may be broken from fault or loss of trust.  But no matter what happens there is always a little spark that lights when you are with the person you love.  And That little spark will never go out until it is time to move on IF there is such a thing .

Abby:   when you really like someone and you never see you guys breakin up maybe i have no clue

Liz:   well, love is an emotion, and a feeling when u become extrodinarily close to someone or something

Sara: a feeling of affection towards any person in your life.......i guess

Laura:  Love is something that you share between two people and its something that you can handle- feel like yourself around them and you have no worries and you can trust each other- you feel that there is no one greater in the world than that person and you care for that person so much that you would do anything to make them happy and want to be with them and see them constantly.

Molly:  i dont think that itz definable

Rachael:Same as you!

Leah: love is when you feel totally comfortable about being around her, you can talk about anything without don't feel jealous when other guys look at her, and she has a personality that is, in truth, your "better half".... (from my point of view)

David: umm....  i don't really know and willing to do anything for someone, that’s about it

Tamara:  a deep feeling of affection towards someone I think that is it…

Andrea: love to me is something that is hard to find , but when you find it you know....when you love someone, all you think about is them, when you think of them your heart jumps in your throat, whenever anyone says there name you smile and cant stop smiling.....its precious and rare

Kylee: i think love is  an unconditional feeling about 1 specific person, (ugh i can't member what i told chris) that like everytime you see hear of the person't name ur heart skips a beat...and that you wuld do ANYTHING for them....and you know that ur whole heart is dedicated to this person and nothing else can take it away...(short condensed version..and complicated)

Gina: its a feeling for someone that is just so amazing that its hard to explain, being there for someone whenever they need u, um....thinking about the person u love 24/7 and just well stuff like that i dont know

mere... says:

i don't think i know what love is... if its a deep positive feeling you have for someone, that might be love

mere... says:

or it might be when you feel something inside when you think of a person

boys like you are a dime a dozen says:

true love? i would say true love is being able to wake up next to the same someone every day of your days and not wish that that someone was someone else. true love is walkin in the mall and seeing things that you know that someone would like, its always loving them-through everything-addictions, trials, everything! its being able to still be able to kiss that someone after eating an anchobe pizza, giving them the covers, thinking of them before anyone else, and admitting your wrong, being able to fart/burp/sing in front of them, its being able to be you and having someone being able to be them around you at all times and costs, its never giving up, always sticking by, wether its 3 in the morning or afternoon, wether its two minutes of sleep or two days-you have time always, and its understanding if they don't, understanding, accepting, forgiving….and i think i'll end it at that

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Compilation of what people I have talked to think love is.  All were asked on MSN, so some are names, others are screen names.  I just find it interesting what everyong thinks it is.  Post your thoughts in comments, please!

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Christine Smith's picture

Hahaha...i totally love this one...this is an expert idea!! im kinda sad that i dont even have my name on there only..boys like you are a dime a yeah...i cant believe i said the word fart in describing a TOTAL loser! lol...but ya love me anyways...right...right??!!??!!! love love love!!

Christine Smith's picture

Skip Cowan says:
Love is never having to apologize.