
Here is our humble tributes,

To the bravehearts of Kargil,

The great martyrs of our age,

Who fought the war on the hills,

Braving thewind and gruelling chill,

Filling our hearts with extreme pride.


The blood you shed on the snowy hills,

Red and hot with national pride,

Stained the snows and melted it down,

Colouring the rivers down the hill,

Widening the list of holy rivers.


People sing thy praises aloud,

Taking pride on your heroic end,

Parks are made and roads renamed,

Stones are laid with names chisled,

Only to keep your memories alive,


Meetings are called to condole the death;

Speeches are made in brimming emotions;

Weeping, we find our leaders in snaps,

Rubbing on gently their beloved tummies,

Pour promises so dear to hear,

Only to forget later with ease.


And amidst the shows for cheap coverages,

Who cares for the bereaved souls??.

There are women who widowed young,

Hapless mothers and orphaned kids,

Their endless woes and silent sobs,

Dreams shattered and hopes fragile,

Destined to grope for ever in the dark.


Here the words fall short often,

For the fact stares us straight,

That nothing can now make up the loss,

And here we pay our humble tributes,

Bowing infront of your glowing memories,

That will add a glittering page,

To the history of our great nation.


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Vijay Diwas

07-26-99 527 soldiers died in the Kargil War. Wonderful tribute ~a~
