

I am just laying here,

Afraid to stir,

Afraid to move,

Not knowing what to do,

With these feelings,

Which take over mind, body and soul.

So afraid to blink,

Daring not to look left or right,

Just staring at the ceiling;

But focusing beyond it,

Where a clear picture of you lies.

I lay there hypnotized,

Mesmerized by your beauty,

Beauty possessed by no one or nothing.

Not diamonds nor pearls,

Could ever compare to you.

You are so beautiful.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poems is 4 a friend of mines,  this is my way of telling her she is beautiful on the inside and outside.

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April C's picture

very much passion..i love it:)

James Daniel Darr's picture

Those are very wonderful setiements and i am sure she loved the peom you had written for her i too have wrote one simiar to this
James Darr Author of Poetry's New Leash On Life
Owner of the Poet's Library

djtj's picture

I know the feeling, but it took me a long time to come to it...lucky you are to know a beautiful person inside and out. Well written dont see any thing to really change...good flow.

arachnae's picture

What a beautiful poem and idea!! Kudos to you and for you being such a great person to do that for your friend!! Just...beautiful!

Angel Miller's picture

this poem is so sweet I hope who ever she is enjoyed it as much as me

Cliff Siler's picture

This is a very soothing and calming piece. Very lovely work. Very nice way to share your thoughts and feelings with another. There are a couple of wordings I might polish but that's me and this is your poetry. I didn't know this person either or experience what you experienced so if you decide it needs a little polish, then so be it, otherwise I wouldn't change a thing. Nice Piece.

Anna Jenkins's picture

Lovely poem. The "she" you wrote this for must be special. Keep it up. Most women have such an innate low self esteem we need people like you in our lives.

Micaela Shaw'Lee's picture

Awwww thats beautiful. lol. It is really good and soo sweet. Keep writing. You've got talent.

Tim / manatee Marshall's picture

hi & hello, this poem gets a (WIDI) WISH I'D DONE IT !
it's great thanks for sharing,i know this poem also AAA+++
L&Peace to you