
Faceless Entity

They were snuggled up on the couch; she lay in front of him with his arms wrapped around her. The blue screen in front of them was part of reality; a world they had drifted away from as they lay in each other's arms. He bent to slowly kiss her neck, igniting a shiver to course down her spine and through her heart. She pulled away only the slightest measure, but he noticed it immediately. He felt it in his arms and in his mortal soul.

'What's wrong?'

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting out the work 'nothing' as she sighed.

He sat up, pulling her into his lap and lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.'

He was referring to the gentle kiss but the apology struck her immortal soul. A tear slipped free and he caught in on his fingertip.

'Please, tell me what's wrong.' Now he knew it was something more. Something that would affect him for the rest of his mortal life.

'I... I am falling for you.' Her soft voice was barely audible, but it reverberated through his entire body. He had a silly grin on his face.

'And that's something to cry about? Am I really that awful?'

She pulled her face away from his grasp and turned her head to avoid his piercing gaze.

'Its not that.'  

He became serious again and his own voice got low.

'Then what is it?'

She looked him straight in the eyes, hoping to reach down into his mortal soul with her love.

'If we love each other now, you will love me until the day that you die...'

She got up off of the couch and walked to the window. She wrapped her arms around herself as if by not having him next to her, she had gotten cold.


She turned to face him, letting the tears stream down her cheeks unbidden as she answered.

'But...but I will continue loving you for all of eternity.'

He got up off the couch and came to her. She stepped into his open arms, embracing him.

'I will love you for as long as my eternal soul-'

She cut him off, her voice taking on a note of urgent despair.

'No, you don't understand!' She pulled back enough to look up at him. Her hands were clutching his shirt as if she was holding on for dear life. And she was...for his life.

'How can you love me when you are burning in a lake of sulfur?'

His eyebrows came together in confusion. 'I don't...' He searched her eyes for something. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for. Mayhap an escape? He found his answer in the little bit of hope that glimmered in the green pools of her eyes. 'What do you mean?'

'You know exactly what I mean.' She couldn't bear to look at him anymore and instead, she laid her head on his chest. His grip around her tightened.

'I am not going to Hell.'

She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her head farther into his shirt. 'You are if you don't accept Christ into your heart as your personal Lord and Savior.' Her voice was so quiet that he had to strain in order to hear it.

'All right. I'll do it then.'

She sighed before pulling away again. 'You can't do this for me. It has to be done for yourself. You have to truly believe there is a God who sent his only son down to Earth to die for the humans that he created.' She pinched the bridge of her nose as she felt a headache forming from crying earlier.

He was silent as he watched her, raking a shaky hand through his tangled hair. He didn't want to lose her... He would do anything in order to keep her. But she said it had to be done for himself...


Her voice snapped him back to the present. The blue screen was the only artificial light in the room. The moon shone through the open window casting a glow about her that made him smile and reach for her again. She took his hand and stepped closer to him again.

'There was a reason we were put together. As much as you want to not believe in Fate and Destiny, there is no other way you can explain how I knew your middle name when you had never told it to me before. God controls Fate and Destiny. He wanted us to be together, for whatever reason. Maybe it is so that I can help you to come to Him and reserve your place in Heaven beside me. I am not sure. All I am sure of is this..”

She went on tiptoe to kiss his lips, keeping her eyes open the whole time. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, deepening the kiss. Her eyes closed for only a moment before she broke the kiss abruptly.

'I don't want to love someone who I cannot see again when I spend Eternity in Heaven. You could die on your way home... and I will never see you again. Whether you believe in Heaven and Hell, God and Satan, and Fate and Destiny or not does not change the fact that they still exist.'

'It's just that I don't like the idea that everything is already planned out for you and that nothing we do can change that.'

She shook her head slightly. 'That's not how it is. God has a plan for each and every one of us. We have the ultimate choice as to whether or not we accept that. I, for one, want nothing more than to live eternally in a perfect place. How I spend my life here on earth is not worth my immortal soul in hell.'

He was shaking his head as she spoke and she reached a hand up to caress his cheek. 'Everything we do changes everything else that happens. God did an amazing thing when He gave us free will. He did an even more amazing thing when He let his Son make the choice of giving His life for a race that wouldn't accept Him. He did it so that we, you and I, could join Him in Heaven.'

She pulled back and walked to the door.

'It's your choice. Think about it.'

With that, she was gone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a dream I had last night...

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..... Dreams are a doorway into the subconcious. Whether or not I beleive is not in my control. I have faith in other things. I did not CHOOSE to beleive them. Whatever happens between now and the day I die I do not know.....
My heart is hurting right now, ...I am sorry for what I am not...But I am not sorry for what I am...I hope that Christ might judge not on what beleifs a man has, or who he beleives in, but rather on how that man lived, and what he did...
And in heaven, all things are would love as you loved and be content...wherever the other might be...