The Lake


"Shall we go to the lake today my dear?" Paul said, as he smiled over at me. I beamed, "I should like that very much... We could hire a boat, go for a row..." Paul smiled, and folded up his newspaper, rapping it against his hand as he did when he was thinking. "I think Master Garret hires out his boats on occasion... I shall go and make inquieries..." I smiled at him, sitting in the armchair with my book on my lap, "Very well, Darling..." He smiled over at me, and stood, leaning over, and kissing me on the cheek, before walking to the door, and out. I sighed slightly, leaning back, and looked at the diamond on my finger, twitching it, making it sparkle and catch the light, a smile on my face.

We were just engaged, and about to elope. Our parents tried to keep us apart, but we overcame them. I smiled as my sisters voice drifted across my thoughts, "Starcrossed lovers, running away from home... how simply *tragic*..." I grinned, I couldn't wait to see the expression on her face when I showed her my wedding ring, and told her all about our wedding. The words seemed magical, it was a long looked forward to event. I smiled again as I thought of Paul, my Paul, my darling, but my thoughts are interupted just as they begin, by my Paul, coming in through the door.

Had I been thinking that long? I must have been. I smiled, and got up as he grinned, "I've booked a boat right now... so we should go..." He smiled, and I nodded, and stand, picking up my new silken gown with one hand to keep it from the floor, as I walked to the door. He smiled, and handed me my parasol. He smiled, and shut the door of our hotel room behind him, locking it. Then he turned, and bowed to me with mock courtesy, and I laughed, as he took my arm.

We walked down the stairs together, then through the door at the bottom of them, to outside. I smiled, and paused, taking my arm from his grip and opening my parasol, resting it over my shoulder, where it shaded my face. He smiled, and kissed my cheek gently, before we headed off down the path towards the lake again.

When we arrived at the shore of the lake the boat was tied up at the pier, a simple rowing boat. I ran along the pier towards it, laughing, forgetting all decorum and dignity in my delight. Paul merely watched me and smiled. He's so very kind, Jenny from next door's husband would have hit her for such a display, but Paul only smiled. I'm so lucky. He walked up to the boat after me, and then helped me in, getting in then himself, and untied us from the pier. I settled back in the boat, and smiled over at him, enjoying the excursion already. He smiled, "Shall we see what's on the other side of the lake?" He looked over at me, his blue eyes sparkling. "Oh, Yes! Delightful!" I smiled, and batted my eyelashes at him. He noded, and takes the oars, starting to row, steady and strong. He took a stroke again and again, repetetive, making good headway.

We were about halfway across the lake when I spotted a stand of lillies, I put my hand on his arm, "Oh Paul, aren't they lovely?" He smiled, "Not as lovely as you, my love..." I fair swooned with delight, "I shall get one for you.." He smiled at me again, and changed course, heading for the lillies. I beamed, I always dreamed of a man picking lillies for me on a lake in early spring... it's a pity it's late autumn, but the leaves are a pretty russet colour I suppose.

We reached the stand of lillies, and Paul stopped rowing. He saw one that was 'perfect' as he exclaimed, and reached out for it, stretching to grab it, not quite able to. He made a lunge for it, and then gave a yell as the boat capsised. I yell as well as I was thrown into the icy water. Decidedly not a romantic event. I reached for the boat, which drifted a little way away from me, trying desperatly to keep my head above water, trying to see Paul. I couldn't, and I struggled some more, spinning in a circle, trying to find him.  I saw him finally, just before I went under, dragged down by the weight of my gown. I kicked up again, and almost grabbed a good mouthfull of air, before half of it became water. I kicked up again, the light seemed so far away, and it was fading. I tried one last time, before I just relaxed, my mind drifting. I felt something clutch at me, a hand maybe, or a weed, just before I sunk into the inviting darkness.

There was a desolate cry on the lake, a man. He was clinging to an overturned boat with one hand, and clutching something else to him with the other, shaking it, and crying. It was no use. The thing that he was clasping to him was a woman, and she was gone. He cried all the more violently when he realised it, but calmed, looking down at the dead woman in his grasp. He kissed her softly on her cold lips, and then let go of the boat, sinking to the bottom with his love clasped in his arms.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first story in first person!

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