Wise Man

Every genius is a poet
At least just a little bit
The school boy isn't the wise man
They don't go hand in hand
The wise man doesn't define himself by
red and black scratchings
on cheap white paper
The wise man doesn't live for numbers and letters
Doesn't care for measurements
Doesn't memorize verses of sacred text
Doesn't recite all he stores in his mind
The wise man will tell you
in a raspy, breathy voice
that learning is not the same as knowing
Memorizing is not the same as understanding
That, no, even though the letters in your grade book
are closer to the beginning of the alphabet than the end
You're never truly educated
until you can shut your mouth
put down the pencil
and listen closely to what the wind has to say
as it rustles through the trees
With a raspy, breathy voice
So tired and so wise
As the wind should be
Author's Notes/Comments: 

Okay so I had this poem saved as a note on my phone, but when I went to copy it and paste it onto this website, it instead deleted the entire first half of this poem. And there's no save or undo feature on the iPhone. So i just had to kinda wing it and write something similar to what was once there. It's really not the same. I don't even like it anymore, really. The last bit seems out of place.

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Do not think to much.

You'll only become a fool.

Said a wise man once.