
Here I am up at 3am again,

Wondering what’s happening I shudder with dread,

Feeling so lonely, wondering what’s going on? And how you can make me feel so small.


I can’t stop thinking is there someone else? my heart it is pounding! My head is filled with  doubt? Does he love me or does he not? A woman should know not be filled with doubt!


A thousand nights up worried and scared, waiting till morning to see will you appear. How can life be so very cruel, I look at my baby and feel such a fool! I should make you leave and not have the worry, but I feel so dependent I panic in a hurry.


Maybe some day god will give me the strength to send you packing for the nights I have spent, up like an ejjit  pining over you looking and feeling like a silly fool.

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allets's picture

Believe It Or Not

No one can make you feel, just you. It is self generated and often self-defeating. Be happy simply. If there is violence, take karate. Or buy a dog just for you and your protection. That'll put a dint in all the whatever. 



word_man's picture

sad write,it`s hard i guess

sad write,it`s hard i guess if you`re not sure

maybe it`s time to go,who knows what awaits for you

ron parrish