
My last glimpse of happiness

passing by in a flash

My new world of hopelessness

Every corner I crash

My memory of a past complete soul

fading with each day

My emotions spinning out of control

Sight not worth the stay

My sunlight just a few roads behind

diminished to cold darkness

My outlook a bit less than kind

forces me to confess

My everything was established

within the eyes of my past flame

My faith was soon abolished

the eyes closed and I became

My own custom-made departure

Lost within the depth of

My desperate need for closure

and my longing for his love

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Angela Pope's picture

You have a superb ability to write and express yourself. A writer who has the talent of putting ones self into everything that they write, so that each poems reflects who they are, is a great quality to possess. It is obvious that you are a very intelligent and bright girl, keep up the awesome work!
ps. Although a felt a connection to all of your poems, I very much related to this one.