Anger Management 101

when my anger is triggered
i tend to stay within my own head
trying to contain my rage
i try to replace it with clear thought instead

though its tough at times
my old ways not so long ago
would have me lashing out in rage
like a caged animal minus the cage

these days i try to remain simple
leaving my rage in the past
this always remains my challenge
i cant wait til i experience my last 


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yes indeed we do thank you

yes indeed we do thank you for reading

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Hmmmn, I Think I really

Hmmmn, I Think I really needed to hear those words today! Great little reminder to keep it in check! ;) thanks SS 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

allets's picture

Maturity At Last!

We let go

of anger

and find new

ways to




