
why can't i ever be me?

why can't i sit and cry and have no one question or wonder or ask?

i can't be what they want me to be

all the time

feel like it's not acceptable

to be sad or angry with the world

because the people that i'm with the most

never are

and they expect something of me that i can't give

can't be sad

must be happy for everyone

all the time or

i have an attitude problem or i'm moody

or it's "what's wrong with you?"

i'm putting on my happy-nothings-wrong face

for a crowd of no one

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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jerry_joseph_huggins's picture

I love the emotion that you've captured in this poem. I can personally relate to this and I've even written a poem about the exact same thing. Our styles are totally different, but that doesn't stop me from really appreciating it. You did a great job. Keep it up.

Allison Carr's picture

jack-o screw 'em. be who you need to be. if people don't like it, it's their problem, not yours. i still love you. rock on, keep it up. this one is awesome. allison

Joslin Bowen's picture

shit geek, that's why you have friends. because we care about you regardless.

Joslin's picture

jac- all that is expected is for you to be you!