
why can't i be your friend, but have other people too? so what if you guys may know me better. what does that have to do with anything? you're still important. you say i've changed, turned into someone you don't know anymore. what about me don't you know? what exactly have i turned into? you can't blindly assume that you will always be the only important person in my life. of course you thought life was great when you had just him and me. i didn't need anyone but you, so that made you feel important and needed, but now that i have what you have, i don't need just you like i did before and you can't deal with that. why not? why is it so hard for you to believe that someone else can love me? do you think im undeserving of that? why do you deserve it, but i don't? i don't understand? stop acting like you're the only one that can and will ever love me. count the everyone out on your fingers for me, maybe it's not as many as you'd like to think.

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Allison Carr's picture

dude,i dig this. i'm proud to see you stepping out, and becoming. allison

Marianne Chrisos's picture

really some moving words here...and a lot of questions that i think a lot of people have asked. expressed beautifully.