Don't Cry For Me

Don't cry for me when I'm dead and gone
just wipe away your tears and since I've now
turned into ashes there is nothing left to fear.

I sing to myself softly as they bury me
in the deep then I sing to myself a little louder
so I can not hear you weep

Your weeping makes me happy
It lets me know that you cared about me so
Into my mind I wonder how could I ever let myself go

My wrists will never heal my heart
will never break, now in my mind I wonder
how could I have given myself this fate

Thanks to my world of anger and to
my world of hate that there was nothing left to do
then just sit back and suffocate

Even though I'm gone please remember this
please don't cry for me when I'm dead and gone
just blow me a little kiss.

Heather M. Perry

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