
The Mushy Stuff

I'm tyring to stay away from you,

trying to forget the things you do,

trying to put aside the smile you place,

trying to make more room and space.

I'm trying to adjust to being torn apart,

trying to clean up this bleeding heart,

trying to smile, trying to laugh,

trying to change the futre and erase the past.

I'm tyring to make my way through the world,

trying to transition to woman from girl,

trying to get use to nights without tears,

trying not to think of the waste of my years.

I'm trying to love, above all not hate,

trying to realize that having family is great,

tring to sing this song in my mind,

trying to live with this life of mine.

I'm trying to leave,

trying to stay,

trying to stand up tall today,

trying to hear, trying to see,

trying to believe it's good to be me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my interpretation of the movie GLITTER.

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Regina Ford's picture

hey i like you you're poem, though i didn't see the movie "glitter." I might though. Bye!


poetvg's picture


Rachel  Marie Tate's picture

This is a lovely poem and I, too, saw the movie Glitter, and this is a sweet interpretation of it, and it seems you got a lot out of it ~ which wound up being a really thoughtful piece :-)Great work!!!

Vanessa Rosales's picture

ur poem is a list of all the things i should try to do...

much luv
