
href="http://www.wtv-zone.com/SweetPonyGirl/Page5Cdrms1.html">Signatures By PonyGirl

You all treat me like


and you know I will take it,

because I'm a big sap.

You've lied to me with betray.

You used me like a door mat,

and used me as a astray.

I'm always feeling like I don't belong.

I forgive and forgive, before I know it,

i'm singing the same old song.

I ask myself why, haven't I tryed.

I'm your dauther and sister,

you always push me away. Inside I cryed.

Not anymore will I be treated like crap.

I will not tolerated in fact,

I'm tough, I'm hard and nolonger a sap.

I know your lies and your heart.

I only demand the same respect,

if not, i'm nolonger apart.

I stand on my own two feet.

I have my own family to love,

that's all I need to be complete.

I nolonger ask myself why.

I gave to you all that I am

and now it's your turn to try.

color="#256F88" font size="2"effect="emboss">~A

Ponygirl Design~

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kim's picture

i really like this poem... it speaks the solid truth of your family. i totally agree and think they should try a hell of a lot harder to accept you as YOU. they need more strength themselves and to overcome their own jealousy, hard headeness, and f***en stubborness.

The Cheshire Person's picture

First off, I am glad this poem caught my eye. Second off, I can relate very well to it. There were a couple of typoes fitted in by accident, I believe, but it was a very good poem. I am glad that I read it. I know what it feels like to be pushed away when all you are is kind. When I read poetry that I so perfectly empathize with, (which is rare out of the scores of poems I read), it feels like someone just whapped me over the head. "Hey, you're not the only one! REMEMBER THAT!" I like reading poetry, nay, I love reading poetry that I can empathize with.

"You used me as a doormat," You were walked all over? Made to be used almost?
"I'm always feeling like I don't belong" yes, I understand that feeling completely.

Keep writing, as it is possibly the best sort of therapy out there.

Thanks for the comment on my poem, but I must point out that the poem is actually about lust and vain desire. It's about a person I know, and how they makes me feel, and yet how much I despise them. It's... sinful, even. I do hope you read the entire series of poems oncec I finish it, because it's not all like that. =)

--The Cheshire Person