Untitled - 1.31.06

life is too fast,

but at the same time

its too slow.

and before you know it

you're questioning it all

where did my life go?

did I do all I could?

am I ready to grow up?

could I have done more?

you think you've done a lot

in your teenage years,

but you know that there are more

years of life to follow.

so you drop your adult thinking

and remember you're still young.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

cw assignment

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Adult Thinking Drop

More common an occurence than you know it happens after 55 and accelerates until all the sidewalks of all the cities of the entire, total, and absolutely all the world are cracked from all these dropped thoughts. Lil thots, medium sized ones, big thoughts all fall perchance and adult of preadolescent, baby or teen - your future is still there for more thoughts to be dropped. (Loved the motif as you can see) - nice thought mongering this ~~Lady A~~