A Lovers Prevail

There is a power bred from your relentless beauty.
In a life that has withered with the denoting resolve of a plenty resumed will
you have given a man with minuscule receptive jubilation
a spirit which hesitates to turn its back
to the darkness that be throws him and in its stead
My eyes will not release its vision amongst you.

But please,
erase my ill perceived prior notion
Though her Physical intimidation rattles my organs within the stomach,
it is her love that has extorted me from the opposite white.

It is her flawless, ever consistent comprise that sets my legs back to motion
when I feel crippled and motionless.
and her love of no condition that allows a trapped spirit to triumph apart from the margins of this cage
and bask in the sweetest victory of our Lovers prevail.

But still,
who am I to Kid

These words developed by humans utter absolutely zero justice toward this love
I mean really,
what is the word love?
what is the word justice?
I write in disgust as these words are meant to cap a meaning larger than my own existence.
yet this vocabulary satisfies no purpose so i guess
you can just interpret this in simplified form

She is just so fucking beautiful.

but then again,
I think that's all I was trying to say in the first place.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I literally wrote this in like 2 minutes. I hope it does not come off as rushed. I just felt like expressing feelings right this moment.

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lostANGEL's picture

I really LOVE this...I love

I really LOVE this...I love your style and your words!!

GSNJSMJ's picture

why thank you!, I really

why thank you!, I really appreciate that


Ascesa e rialzarsi fino a quando gli agnelli diventano leoni

Rise and Rise again until Lambs become lions

lostANGEL's picture

:-) Your very welcome

:-) Your very welcome