


A strong word

How does man choose to define the attribute of strength

do they claim it to be the varied dimensions of a mans arm.
the callibration of their ability to
lift, or carry a certain figmant of mass
allowing opposition to compare the distinctive calibur of there own strength to that of another man.


Strength is to conquor the odds
to overcome
to survive

to sack the opression which lies in ones way

to fend of the unchallangable certanties

of what it is we believe in.

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saiom's picture

an inspiring poem

Perhaps someone could put it with one of the images of 'strength'



GSNJSMJ's picture

Thanks for your comment

but im not sure how to place the picture


Ascesa e rialzarsi fino a quando gli agnelli diventano leoni

Rise and Rise again until Lambs become lions

Theprofoundhummingbird's picture


This was a great read! I very much enjoyed reading. Especially how you state what strength is, and what is done to achieve it. There are just a couple of spelling errors to correct.

- Zachariah