Mummy Why??


Why are you crying Mummy?

Because I must iron your clothes.

Why are you crying Mummy?

Because you ask me to get you a drink.

Why are you crying Mummy?

Because you ask me to find your shoes.

Why are you crying Mummy?

Because I must get dressed.

Why are you crying Mummy?

Because I love you so much, but love doesn’t walk you too school.


Why are you shouting Mummy, at me?

Because I have ironed your clothes.

Why are you shouting Mummy, at me?

Because I have to get you a drink.

Why are you shouting Mummy, at me?

Because I have to find your shoes.

Why are you shouting Mummy, at me?

Because I have to get dressed.

Why are you shouting Mummy, at me?

Because I love you so much, but love doesn’t walk you too school.












Author's Notes/Comments: 

Too my sweet children, I love you both so much.  Mummys body and mind isn't in harmony.  The physical pain is sometime hard to control.

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Body And Mind Harmony

Even your wishes to be better are poetic. Keep trying. Never quit - like the rest of us :D