

Si trato de hablar

mucho Espanol


Je vais finar

par en utilisant trop

de mots Francais


e agitando le

braccia in Italiano—


Vosté va a pensar

que puc parlar

amb fluìdesa catalá





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ïf I try to speak too much Spanish, I'll end up using many French words and flailing my arms in Italian.  You end up thinking I can speak fluent Catalan.


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allets's picture

I Got

I'm trying not to use too many French words. The rest was interesting. How does one flail one's arms in Italian? (tee hee hee) :D slc



georgeschaefer's picture

Just a linguistic exercise. 

Just a linguistic exercise.  And a pun on the dramatic flair that a lot of Italians have when they speak.  Hopefully no offense taken by anyone.