Goodbye My Friend

Feeling, falling, floating,

lying, loving, loathing,

crying, killing, dying.

The world for me, I have nothing to give.

Tumbling backwards, falling ahead.

Lost in the darkness set upon by confusion,

loss and gain.

A walking contradiction singing a siren's song.

Smiling Chesire, screaming Alice.

Down into the rabbit hole. take me.

Drag me into your depths,

shower me with prudence.

Running away, tripping over your discharged baggage.

Becoming luggage myself.

In time, we'll leave.

And time and time again, I find myself even now missing you.

You're so close to me, yet we're miles apart.

Hindsight shows forgotten images in my rearview mirror.

Willingly forgotten is the friendship,

love, pain, life, torment, and pleasure

you brought me.

We'll smile in passing, murmer hello's,

not ever saying what we both know.

Memories fade, and so will I.

I am here now, and I'm saying goodbye.

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allets's picture

"Smiling Cheshire, screaming Alice..."

A few years ago I re- read Wonderland/Looking Glassp...a trip. Love lost writing - like dear jane letters. Hope all is well.




Adrian E. Gaspar's picture

"Memories fade, and so will I.
I am here now, and I'm saying goodbye."

That's beautiful. Great poem