The Unspoken Words of a Child

I'm a newborn baby,

2 a.m. its me crying. I've had my diaper changed,

I've been fed and burped,

I just want you there, I need your love and care

I'm a toddler now.

I get into everything and make lots of messes

oops was that me who just stained one

of your brand new dresses.

Please don't be mad, I would be sad.

I need your understanding care.

I'm three or even four.

I'm not a little baby any more.

Yes it was me you caught coloring on my bedroom door.

please help me wash it, tell me it was wrong,

but please don't punish me for very long.

And then hug me and tell me that you love me.

I'm six or seven, do you still think I'm a gift from heaven?

I crashed my bike into the the neighbors car,

they said, insurance will only go so far.

I know you feel like beating me to the tar,

but I promise no more ramps for me,

I have learned my lesson, with this scar on my knee.

Please tell me again that you still love me.

Here I am eight, nine or maybe ten

my life is a pattern. Its trouble, over and over again.

One day I will learn, just keep being stern.

Never stop showing that you love me, even say the words too.

I need to hear about those kind of things straight from you.

I can get a little mean, cause now I'm pre-teen

hugs and kisses from you, don't even go there;

you know that I wont.

you would think that I hated you, but really I don't

from me, signs of love are rarely ever there.

But deep down inside, I really do care.

I need to know these are feelings we both share.

Life for me is pretty major, look out world I'm a teenager

I'm never wrong, I'm always right.

that's why I'm always putting up a fight.

music, clothes, friends and fun

we disagree on every one

I need your guidance more then ever,

but will I admit it? Of course not, Never!

Everything has gone by fast, Here I am, grown up at last

Through blood, sweat and tears,

Your love shows true, all these years.

Has your job as a parent come to an end?

Nope, you've just raised a life long friend.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The Title is in working proggress

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Cliche City

It will take time to narrow the scope, this is a short story heading into a novel - Lady A