
When the sun sets the demons rain.

My fears they screen at me through the night.

Within a flash all is blood stained.

The shadows feed on yellow sun light.

Dragging me down to the depths of Hell.

Satan he glairs straight through my soul.

His pungent odor, disgusting smell.

Blades pierce my heart inside out, this is my toll.

My mind is haunted with the fears of death.

I return the world scarred for life.

I grab at the air gasping for breath.

Then wake to find my hand with a knife.

My fears are nothing anyone's seen.


It's a good thing that most of them were just a dream.

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I guess my nightmares are lame by comparison - that is I believe a night terror. Hope not personal - my demons are living and breathing and like to haunt via my memories. It's an aging thing. Welcome to :D