How beautiful (I can't imagine)


in every sunrise, in every sunset

I soak up every drop of beauty I can get

in every star, in every rainbow

in every flake of every drop of snow

in every raindrop and every waterfall

in every ocean and river big or small

I close my eyes and I think of you

I bow my head and I know the truth


if nature is this beautiful to me

I can't imagine how beautiful you must be

I will never understand beauty until I see your face

I will never feel anything until I feel your grace

and only with your prescence am I alive

so I get on my knees before you Jesus, tonight

in every leaf on every tree

in every mountain top that I see

in every cloud, in every flower

in every drop of a spring shower

in every grain of dirt and sand and more

in every puddle on the ground ready to explore

I close my eyes and I think of you

I bow my head and I know the truth


in every rock and stone I pass

in every stem of green grass

in every ounce of blue in the sky

in every wave and every ocean tide

I think of you, yeah I think of you


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Taciturn Love's picture

this is really really wonderful!

i love the imagery as well as the rhyming! Our God is so awesome and beautiful and these magnificent qualities of His has been reflected faithfully in your poem through your description of nature. =D

i cannot praise enough the simplicity of your words and yet the richness of the messages that are embedded in your poetry and songs! thank you!

In His Love Always,

pamschwetz's picture

this is absolutely it...Pam