

I lie within the shadows of the night as solemn winds
Whisper thoughts of you

Fleeting memories dance about the reveries of my mind
as I ponder this all-consuming restlessness

Such desolence do I feel in the winter of your absence -
I lie in deepest thought, pining away with sensless grief

The hollows of my soul are touched by the sunlight that is you

Oh, how I grieve in your absense
Such wretchedness I have never encountered

For in your absense, my heart sings not....

But I shall wait patiently, with a silent tear, until once again
You take me into your arms - the place I cherish most next to Heaven

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Jimmy Pratt's picture

I felt the heavyness of the heart that unburdened itself in this prose.

David Richardson's picture

Simmply beautiful-visually stunning and so so so vivid. Truly loved this poem. Sheri-you have an intense poetic gift. Never never stop writing. Please take care and have a very beautiful and safe weekend.

Dave Richardson