
I turned to stare,

Seeing him do something I never thought he'd dare.

The scent of blood was in the air.

As the sound of bullet against skin and bone,

echoed over the phone.

There was silent panicked tone,

As his body fell like stone.

Tears swelled over my face.

As the blood flowed with deathly grace.  

I could here this voice.

Repeating into my mind every choice.

Tell me your name.

Calling 911 is no funny game.

State the emergency.

I spoke in my mumbled tendency.


-Exkai Jade Satiro-

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Title is suicide spelled backwards...
sounds like:Ed-i(short i)-cus

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Afzal Shauq's picture

a great new poem... enjoyed it alot and sooo intersting one.. the same way you did in rich theme and expression is heart feeling indeeed... I did few new poems too..hope you go through