Sweet Shore Metaphor

Hate to be alone to night..

Wouldn't it just feel right?

Isn't it a crappy night to be alone?

With the wind running throw the trees,

Like the waves crashing on the shore.

The feeling of being alone leaving it's hurtful sore.

The trees blackening against the orange sky.

The day light fading with my sigh.

I wish it not to say goodbye.

Darkness's mouth licking at the day.

Watching as it all falls astray.

It's just something I can't ignore.

I can't take it for granit anymore.

I'm seeing things like never before.

-Exkai Jade Satiro-

Author's Notes/Comments: 

hm.. my first nature poem..interesting..it was an amazing day today. inspiration just hit me. It was like being on an island. crazy nice..

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Afzal Shauq's picture

intersting... really your poetry shows me that you are a good and realistic and logic based poet... and the ideas and subjects are enough new and the way you do it is fantastic... yeah I mean it and love this piece of poem very much..and hope my poetry will also touch your heart if go through seriously..and let me know if its ok to your taste of soul...