Love Is Like A Tree

You didn't have to say a single word.

I could see it in your eyes.

The saddening demise,

Of our relationship,

Falling from the skys.

You were easily breaking the ties.

All you had to do was show me all the lies.

I beat myself up hard,

I'd watch my relationship be tared.

Then I got that little card,

My love became bared,

And My heart grew scared.

My eyes filling with tears.

As all my worst fears,

Shifted gears.

My fears became my reality.

I lost all sense of ability.

I didn't think this could truly be.

But sadly i grew to see.

The distance that had grown between you and me.

I didn't realize love came with such a fee.

Thus now i really do agree.

Love is like a tree.

And your promises are like deforestation,

In this situation.

So I move through life without a tree.

I feel like I can't breathe.

You were my oxygen.

You were my air.

You kept me a float,

Even when you weren't there.

You began to defy.

And I knew you were going to say goodbye.

I long to wish for another hi,

But I could not lie.

I knew it would only make me cry,

Hoping to die.

-Exkai Jade Satiro-


Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is basically the time damian broke my heart. . . Ah.. i sucked.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

this is a very sweet and meaningful poem with rich theme and done well...good ..your poetry is heart caching too

Afzal Shauq's picture

very imaginary one.. love its flow done in poetic way with rich and impressive way... great and well done..hope you add more new poems... you are good in making poems..respect you