
Sarah was the girl I loved,

I thought we had a future together,

I guess I was wrong


Its funny how it can all just explode,

things end in the worst possible way

despite your attempts to avoid that scenario


Because, thats how it is with women,

like a storm they blown down your house without

a second thought and move on like nothing ever happened


Tell me I'm wrong?

you'll probably call me sexist for criticizing the sex that

according to our culture, you can't criticize,


Yet they will continue to blame men,

as the root of all evil, spread their disinfo about who we are,

and we as men will just accept it, because they have us by the balls.


I'm free now,

free to make my own destiny,


I don't think I'll ever love again,

because why should I?


Why would I fuck myself over again?


The most logical think for any man to do,

is to not trust or put their faith in women,

because in the end they will only be dissapointed

when they are treated like a used condom.










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allets's picture

Opinion Write

An opposition editorial on male/female relationships in the 21st Century A.D. Men are just cutie pies. Sexist implies power and since you are out of the game - no joy. Anyway, just when you think never never, bam! She walks around the corner. :D



Incompl's picture

I read it replacing woman/man

I read it replacing woman/man this and that with person/people and it resonated deeply with me, as I'm sure it could with anybody. 

Let your teeth show