Half a Dozen Roses

I see a white rose

that represents the souls

of those who feel happy

of those who feel whole

I see a purple rose

that represents the love

of those whose hearts have wings

to fly like a dove

I see a pink rose

that represents innocence kept

of those who stayed pure

until they could wed

I see a yellow rose

that represents broken dreams

I feel their pain

I hear their screams

I see a red rose

that represents blood spilled

because the world couldnt be

just as one willed

I see a black rose

that represents the dead

whose precious life

was so forcibly shed

I see the roses

spread o'er the world

When I stop to think about it...

wait i gotta hurl

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Molly K.'s picture

i'm not here to sit and critisize your work becasue i'm not in the place to do so but what i will do is give you my opinion so here goes:

your work is good and has talent and potential written all over it. i think you should step outside the format and write soemthing that doesn't rhyme, contrary to popular belife POETRY DOES NOT HAVE TO RHYME. i just had to make that clear. so try something for me and write soemthing in your own sort of format. but hey who am i to talk i only have a few poems posted myself and they suck ass. but i never said that you had to do this it's just a suggestion.so think about it.