what would you do?

what would you do,

if i ran away?

what would you do,

if i died today?

what would you do,

if i couldn't be better?

what would you do,

if you lost me forever?

what would you do,

if i said i hated you?

what would you do,

if you hated me to?

what would you do,

if i wanted to die?

what would you do,

if i attempted suicide?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this was writen to try and find out what people would do if any of these things happened to me.  i guess i will have to wait to find out what people think.

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Snoeako's picture

I love you and I would majorly freak out if any of this were to happen, I can't think of what life would be like with out you by my side

-Your Pet

Devin Harter's picture

This is my absolute favorite poem written by you...
I love it so very much! I will always be there for you!!! thank you and I may write a follow up on this if you don't mind..