My Gentleman

My Gentleman,
holds on to me, when we walk
and its icey and snowy.
He trys to grab me, when im starting
to slide, and we both go down, on our behinds.

My Gentleman,
Gives me his coat, when its
really cold, and claiming that he is "fine".
Even when i can see, that he is shivering.

My Gentleman,
waits so patiently, when i change
at least a 100 times, and we miss
our movie. He smiles and says "thats ok,
it was worth the wait, and you look so pretty"
We can always catch another movie.

My Gentleman,
wakes up early, to walk me
to school, even when its raining,
and cold.

My Gentleman,
opens the doors,
and pays for me,
even when i beg him not to.

My Gentleman,
gets me medicine,
and tissues, when i get sick,
and yet he still kisses me.

My Gentleman,
calls when ever he is away,
and lets me know, how long he will stay.

My Gentleman,
protects me from my fears,
and keeps me safe.

My Gentleman,
reads to me,
sings to me,
and dances beside me.

My Gentleman,
Listens to my dreams,
and helps me get to them.
He belives in me.

My Gentleman,
is the man of my dreams,
and is the man, that loves me.
The man that is my everything,
is the one, i will marry.

My Gentleman,
I love you Kyle, you are and always will be my Gentleman.
And ill always be your girl, forever and always.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love you kyle, you are so sweet to me, and your the reason why life is so amazing.
With you, my life is complete, and my heart is beating.
Forever and always baby. :)
I love you, and thank you for being so sweet.

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saiom's picture

He seems like an angel who

He seems like an angel who has touched down

Sometimes behavior like his can turn partners into abusers..



Elfy's picture

Not to mention, he wouldnt

Not to mention, he wouldnt hurt me. You dont know either of us, so
you have no right to say such things. Kyle knows the pain, that iv felt,
and has seen the things that where done.
He is the one that made me keep fighting, to move along.
He kept me alive, when i wanted to disapear and leave.
If not for him, i wouldnt be. Any longer


Elfy's picture

What do you mean by turn

What do you mean by turn partners into abusers? Do you think that i would abuse him??
I hope that you dont, because you dont know me.
I dont hurt others, iv been the victum of abuse, so please dont say that ill hurt him.
Cause you have no clue, just how hurtfull that is.
