The River

You were inspiration, but inspiration died

It fell into the river before my very eyes

I reached out to save it, but nothing could be done

A waterfall fell down my cheek, I watched the river run

You were inspiration, but inspiration drowned

Swallowed by the river, no where to be found

Silently I sat there, no words were left to speak

My words died the day you did, the river stole from me

You were inspiration, but inspiration's gone

The river took it from me and carried it along

It took my muse, that liquid thief, it drifted far away

My heart was still, it froze in time, to watch the river play

You were inspiration, but inspiration died

A part of me went with it, my heart broke deep inside

I'm standing at the river now, the place my muse expired

But, like you're the water now, it flows and I'm inspired

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i love this poem