Vampire Love

What would it be like to dance in the arms of the devil and to feel that strong, cold embrace?  I long to look into those empty eyes, knowing that you see me for what I am, have need of me if only for that instant.  How much would I have to bleed? Aware of my life slipping away, already given to you before your teeth whisper against my skin.  Why would I make that dangerous choice?  To willingly lay in deaths embrace and experience that exquisite touch.  To feel my life’s blood slip into your throat and sense that I am but a moment’s memory on your tongue, as the final darkness descends upon my world.  I know my love means nothing to you and still I would choose to give my life, my death for you, just to have that last caress, the final dance.

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poetvg's picture

great work
on this one

Valentina Fairy's picture

wow. I just finished reading some of "Vampire Lestat", and now just after reading your poem im wondering if you're anne rice! Your poem is great, very much "vampiric" and magic at the same time.