
Pain rips through my body,

but it is not the pain of the flesh,

that I could have understood,

could have turned away from.

A bruise or a cut would have been

as nothing compared to this.

I could have held my pain

or rubbed the place struck,

but how do you hold yourself

or stroke the pain within?  

But you turn away,

unaware of the damage that you do,

I dare not reach out to you,

rejected one to many times.  

I try to kiss you and you say not now

and push me away.  

I try to hold you and you are too tired.  

And so I go through my day,

existing within myself,

waiting for those times that you

reach for me,

never having the strength to refuse you

what you deny me.  

The stroke of your hand,

your kiss is a rare jewel to me

that I collect as you casually toss it my way.  

And so you say you love me

and I believe and I wait for the next time,

for the turning away and the pain

I have become so intimate with.  


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ahh rejection, the best thing for writers block

View dragongreeneyes's Full Portfolio
Wynona Edwards's picture

"Pain" is very good, I understand where you are coming from. The one good thing that comes from being sad or lonely is a good poem(I know from experience).Wy

J M's picture

good read!

Teresa Jacobs's picture

DGE Good stuff. i feel your hurt and it hurts. Keep on writing. Teresa Jacobs