Lament of a 35 year old housewife

You're that guy, you know, the one on the TV,

so handsome, so fine, makes my heart hurt just to look at you.

Shush, come here, I have got a secret to tell you.  I love you,

not just love either but L O V E, the kind where teenagegirls

write the boys name on their notebooks for all the world to see,  

surrounded by hearts and TLA's.  Whenever I think of you,

eyecandy comes to mind.  You make me feel like that teenager again,

the way you look, that body makes me hot, the way you seem.  

Someone to scream about, dream about.  I wonder how you feel,

if your skin is as soft as it looks, do your lips taste sweet?

What would it take to make you moan my name?

Ok, I will calm down now, (or maybe not, hubba, hubba)

Want to play with that hair, whisper sweet nuthin's in

your ear, find out your hopes, your thoughts, your dreams

and make them all come true.

But you're a feast for my eyes only, I know you can never be mine.

(For one thing I think your wife and my husband might have a problem with it)

Really, you never could live up to my fantasy anyway,

better to let you live in my dreamworld, the perfect lover,

the perfect man.  Your self, the real you, is quite safe from me.  

But still I sigh and I watch, have I mentioned you are not hard on the eyes?

This kind of love is a secret, perhaps best kept to myself after all.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I have  a HUGE crush on that guy from Crow: Stairway to heaven

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I like this one a lot! Maybe it's because you're giving up secrets, maybe not! LOL Anyway, good writing!