All Lies To Hold Up The Structure

You expected too much from me, like I could reposition my decision. Sit back and wait for your permission, pay attention cause I'm done fixing your broken ass rhythm like I'm a magic motherfucking magician. 


Instead of lying through your teeth maybe you should've listened. Picked honesty, because honestly I'm done with this opposition. So pay attention cause I'm blaming your indecision on train wreck of a collision. 


I gave you the words to convert into ammunition, but I'm tired of being the target while learning your intentions. So listen up, pay attention cause today I'm burning bridges 


Maybe I'm just bleeding on this paper, maybe my words are wasted, but every redo is just copy and pasted 


Maybe if we could rewind, your reply wouldn't be another lie, cause I'm up to my waist line in shit and all I've done feels like a waste of time on this. 


Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm just crazy... maybe, but I don't give a fuck lately. I'm moving on, cause one things for sure, I was the only one holding on.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Been a while, enjoy!

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allets's picture

Shit Punch


Hard to enjoy a rant of this calabre - one experiences it (npr playing 20 minute version of Purple Rain right now) perfect!

