Maggie’s Tears

Have my tears dried?

her sweet face presented to me.

Feeling her sorrow

still, knitted brow, eyes tragic,

she looked to me to say

they were gone.

She was feeling the

injustice of a four-year-old's pride

in the little heave of a sigh,

Have my tears dried?



Author's Notes/Comments: 

My granddaughter. Was going to expand to an ode to tragic loss of the heart but it's sweet as it is and I can explore that in the next poem. 
Maggie's 22 month old sister Caitlyn, drew on the Elsa I had crudely drawn in chalk on the deck for her to color. Tragic because Caitlyn has Anna to scribble on. Meltdown. 

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patriciajj's picture

A stirring snapshot that

A stirring snapshot that highlights just the right details, just the right dialogue, to leave a powerful impact. The last line haunted me . . . such power in your perfectly chosen words. Marvelous work. 

djtj's picture

Thank you

She was so sweet and i agree last line is evoking.

allets's picture

Poem Stands Alone Well

No deck, no picture marred, no sequence of events - fairly surreal ~S~



djtj's picture

No explanatioin needed

Thats good to know,