This is why we can't sleep at night.

When the ambient melodies of "Colorblind" find themselves

Streaming out of my fingers on the piano

My only thought is you.

My fingers leave reality

And find themselves entwined in yours.

We're dancing in that hallway.

The one paved with ivory and decorated in gold.

Your exhales are trying to tell my ears a secret

            but they hear nothing.

My arms are losing their passionate grip

            but you feel nothing.

The twirl approaches and your fingers let go

I spin, and I spin, and I spin into the wall.

Now it's me

           running, running, running.

And now it's you

           trying to catch up.

But these legs have gone many distances,

These legs can carry me to where my final misery would be achieved.

I can hear your feet skidding on the floor,

But you know it in your heart that you'll never catch up to me.

You know that you'll never feel the warmth

The pleasant comfort of my voice.

You'll never

you'll never

You'll never

I'll never.

We'll never.

Because when the soles of my shoes hit the pavement,

It was declared the end.

And when I drift back to the present,

The song is almost too much to bear.

Here is the story of how I left you

Here is the story of how I didn't care.

Remember the days we used to sing,

When everything was okay.

Well I'll always be trapped in those memories

Whenever this soothing song is played.

This shouldn't be so hard to escape.

This should just be a rememberance,

Nothing more, nothing less.

Instead it's my nostalgia

My longing for you next to me, again.

But your infatuation with foreign substances

And mine with loneliness

Are going to keep us separated.

They're going to keep the solution separate.

So this is the conclusion,

The discontented halt where reality has to step forward.

Where the sidewalk never bends.

And where our mouths never move in each others direction.

This is the end.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I know I end up writing a lot of poems about this subject, but it's because I'm constantly caught up in it or I'm greeted with memories far too much..  I just need to write them down.. I guess.

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Coda Sattalon Dana's picture

Let me just say that out of all the poetry I have ever come across on this site, I believe I am most vexed by your work. I love this poem, and I've read over some of your others and a bit of your bio. For one thing (and don't be creeped out by this, it's merely an observation), you are a very beautiful girl. I see the darkness of your writing through your appearance. I can really relate to a lot of your work, and I only hope you go somewhere with your writing. It's far too good to waste...

~*FoReVeR in DaRkNeSs*~