The Strange Love Story

Can you feel the shift in the air tonight?

The atmosphere seems dim,

Almost frightening.

She is alone in the room,

Which is painted with the most subtle shade of green,

And chalk outlines dance across the floor,

Revealing secrets of the murders which were held there before.

Her chest heaves a sigh,

As she rolls over,

Trying to find rest.

Her pale legs shake from the cold,

It's never warm in New York City at night.

She rubs her eyes,

Dirtying her hand with the blue eyeshadow,

That is trying to conceal what she truly feels.


Her lips manage to divide, speaking a soft whisper.

A knock presents itself at the door,

She doesn't stir,

She doesn't get up to answer it.

The man bursts through, showing hunger in his eyes.

"Tonight's the night, tonight's the night, tonight's the night that you die."

She throws her arms up in the air,

And she screams with a raspy voice,

"You can have my body, you can take my mind, but you can never take my heart."

"I disagree, Missy."

He unsheathes his knife, and makes incisions across her stomach,

Revealing her insides,

See how they glow in the moonlight.

She never put up a fight,

Willing to be his science experiment.

The cuts provide no pain,

Her nerve endings seem severed,

Not delivering signals as they are supposed to.

He goes against her wishes,

And takes her one pride and joy,

Her heart.

He places it in a bag,

Walks out the door,

Her bloody corpse laying there,

Trying to be endothermic, to sustain some warmth.

He walks down the sidewalk,

And looks at his prize,

"I finally have my love with me, forever tonight."

He continues to walk briskly,

Free of paranoia.

Once he reaches home he places her heart in a jar,

Puts it in his trophy case,

Where he can admire her eloquence, for all eternity.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I don't really know what inspired me to write this, and I agree that it is pretty damn morbid.  But, I like it.

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brokenfairy's picture

I love this piece of work so much. You're right - it's quite morbid but so well written, and so dramatically done that it doesn't matter. It's fucking brilliant. Keep up the awesome work. <3