My grandfather´s shotgun

My Grandfather is the reason that my family and I are an outdoor family; he used to take us duck hunting since we were little boys and didn´t know how to shoot, so my cousins, brothers and I were that ones that collected the doves that my grandfather, uncles and dad had killed. He also took us fishing to Tamaulipas, I remember there were mornings that you had to wear all you have packed so you can survive all the cold and wind of that season, we would spent the whole morning and after noon fishing in a small little boat, although sometimes the only things that we fish was the wind because of the bad luck of the day. We also went driving motorcycles to “El chipitin”, or even made it all the way to Monterreal, those were like 9 hour motorcycle driving all full of dirt and your hands freezing. Those were the kinds of experiences that keeps my family so tight, he passed away but he left all those experience, those experience that make us who we are, we still go hunting, fishing and driving, when he passed out he also left us two old shot guns that he used to use (the ones that you had to pull with your finger so you could shoot), we have them hanged up in the bar, and it is really interesting to see how the shotguns used to work and how they work nowadays, normally everybody says that when they see them but I don´t really see the two old shotguns like them, to me it has a more deeper meaning than just how they have improved, I see them as a symbol of all the work that my grandfather made not just for his sons, but also for his grandsons, to educate us, so every time I go to the bar of my house I remember all those privileged experience that I lived with my grandfather, those experience that taught me a lot of things in life, one of them to be tough, not to give up when the obstacles come, try to see the other way because there is always another way to make things when you meet the first obstacle, to never give up on anything that you want to do, that you need to be prepare to every obstacle that will come, because there is always going to be something or someone that will try to stop you from getting what you want, and if you really want it you will have to be prepare so when the obstacle comes, you will overcome it and nothing or no one will stop you from getting what you want. That is why the old shot guns mean so much for me, because it reminds me where I´m coming from and where I want to be.

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great poem man, nice writting

great poem man, nice writting