Perfectly Sealed

He reaches through the rainbow

God's promise

in lost love tears

He will not drown

Though his shine

Left him...long ago

Masked smiles of reflective prism

Hide the scars buried deep

Within the spectra of his soul

Inward he silently weeps

While outward

Shades of true blue optimism

Forced from his face

Careful so no one will know

If you could pick his brain

And follow his heart

You'd find a piece of you

For In quiet refrain

The jester remains

Hiding the pain...from view

And only with words written

Will bits and pieces of truth be revealed

Heart broken words never

For lips that hold the soul

Shall remain the same...perfectly...sealed

© 2002 Dennis Hicks


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poetvg's picture

this poem is so beautiful
lovely work on it keep
up all the great work on
your poems in the future
i know good work when i read it.