My Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel


A fallen angel,

Not for him being evil or impure,

But for his perfection.

His infinite perfection.

For his knowing and unknowing purity,

His Kindness.

His heart.

He took my breathe away.

He spoke of looking for another,

Someone to complete him,

And the way he spoke was mesmerizing.







He described to what he was looking for in his other half.

I could have sworn he was describing me oh, so perfectly,

But before I could say anything,

He flew away.

I wrote him a letter,

Telling him I may be the one,

But once he had returned to see if I was there;

It was too late.

The fallen angel and I had become friends,

After a while the angel had disappeared.

Time passed.

Wounds created and healed.

Pain enveloped within me.

He returns.

Still friends,

But he returns.

Then after awhile,

My pain erases.

My happiness shows.

He confesses his love to me.

I confess my love to him,

That ever since I first met him,

I had fallen head over heals in love with him,

And he,

In love with me.

That day forward,

We were,

And are,

More than friends.

We were more than just a couple.

His wonderful infinite perfection,

And my slowly dying perfection.

We made sweet,



A fallen angel.

I had fallen in love with him.

The fallen angel,

Who said he loves me.

My fallen angel,

Our love shall last.

Never die,

And I shall always he happy,

Because of…




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Seraphim's picture

Very appealing write.... and

Very appealing write.... and it sounds right up my alley. I enjoy this work very much, thank you for writing it.


Post Tenebras Spero Lucem