T/their Love

Adult Content

Wrapping her arms around His waist,
she pulled Him down to her breast,
Wanting to give Him the sweetest taste,
Desiring to give Him only her best.

Kneeling upon the floor at His feet,
Smiling shyly in His direction,
Knowing the love she feels can not see defeat,
He knows she does as ordered without hesitation.

Reaching down to move her hair,
Click was heard as He attached His leash,
Enjoying having her in His lair,
Yet anger Him Y/you'll see a beast.

Grabbing a hold of her tresses,
He pulls her up to her feet,
With His hand He touches her face with caress,
He knows that she will taste sweet.

Brining her closer to His chest,
Smiling down into her baby blues,
He knows He's got the best,
Yes she doesn't have a clue.

His love for her burn's within His veins,
Smelling her sweetness,
It sends a rush to His brain,
her body He begins His touches.

Copyright ©2003 By ; Tammy Gregersen

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David Richardson's picture

Beautifully written with so much beauty love,grace and eroticism. Your visionary skils are overwhelming-your chose of words so so so poignant and so awesome. The feel of this poem is so so so perfect-lovemaking at its very best-satisfying sensually emotionally and lovingly all your partner's needs and wants. So beautifully done Tamera. I truly loved this poem. Please take care and have a very beautiful and very safe weekend. Happy New Year.

Dave Richardson
1/02/2004 1:07pm est.