I couldn't be a Angel

If I was a angel
I couldn't live in heaven
while little children are
going through hell
here on earth

If I were a angel
I couldn't just watch
while demons eat away
at the teenage girls mind
till she slits her own wrist's
praying to die

I could not sit by an be okay
while a young man put's a bullet
though his head

no I wouldn't live in paradise
If I was an angel
not at that price

no I couldn't be an angel
so take away the wings
just give me the weapons
that I need
let me fight for the souls
your willing to throw away

If I only save one soul a night
for eternity
it would be a small price for me to pay

No I couldn't be a Angel

~ D Donner~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

As you can see I have a hard time with the God an Angels thing / if their really up there sitting on their thumbs while everything comes apart down here / Fuck them that would make them as evil as the Devil & Demons so who needs them .....

So go running to which ever God You want to believe in... And Pray I'm wrong

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SSmoothie's picture

wow powerful Double D!

Fantastic poem, yeah hard thing to reconcile... I like to think Survival is a duel effort theres the opportunity to escape the situation scars and horrors but there's freewill such means the ultimate choice is each owns my young son had many an angel watching over him as he went through the wars silently with bullying and wanting to commit suicide at the age of 9 while I was busily at work oblivious but even my 9 yrs old who has come through said mum if heavens a paradise I dont care if I die. You should be happy because ill be in heaven. Yes, son I said but you miss out on the paradise here and you will turn our lives into hell. I changed his school he is so happy he laughs again. He was in a public school now in a non denominational Christian school, you know why? Because I saw the asshole teacher who tried to change my aspergus indigo child to a normal one she got out of her car hefty woman she was and the numberplate read devil. I jumped in changed it all and we are all surviving our nightmares one day at a time. He is still afraid of the dark but that tyrant who destroyed my boy humiliated him and sent him on a down hill spiral for kids finding excuses to bully him well. She will see her day of rekoning . But for now I'm glad I was drawn to see the signs and not ignore them... I don't know if its relevant but it came out to share. Kind regards and sincere thanks for your well written and thought provoking piece. HugSS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Adam아담's picture

SSmoothie, if only there was

SSmoothie, if only there was a "like" button for this... thanks for sharing this powerful story. Angels thankfully weren't created to just "sit around and play harps" - they are God's messengers and servants, and they work here on earth. If a third of all angels were taken in by Satan (as Revelation 12 might possibly suggest), then how many angels are there? Twice as many. And trust me, there's people who will attest to God's presence and intervention, myself included. And if God is who He says He is, then what does the Christian have to fear? But, I totally hear where you're coming from - there's a horrible amount of evil in this world, and we the top 5% (Americans, English, Irish, etc.) tend to politely ignore it. There's things I can't explain yet, and I understand you.

Quality write, by the way.


Daniel-59's picture

relevant ?

SSmoothie anything you want to share with Me is Relevant !!That's how you get to know and understand people ( Well Some People can't be understood lol)
Anyway If You & Kelly are going to drag Me kicking an screaming into the poet world You better Share :)

Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces

SSmoothie's picture

well then,

Deal buddy! especially if the trade off is great poetry and warm understanding friendships with a few occasionsional excited Tiffs ;)

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."