the demons and I got to know each other drinking rotgut whiskey and reading between the lines of cocaine

the demons and I got to know each other
drinking rotgut whiskey and reading
between the lines of cocaine
just killing time
line after line
trying to find some peace of mind
what I was seeking I could never find
that original high
that original lie
that feeling I had for the first love I had
who pushed me away in the name of protecting me
if it wasn't meant to be then why does it hurt so insanely
every morning the demons and I we played russian roulette
but it always ended on a empty chamber
and all i could say was I guess today isn't the day
the demons and I got to know each other
drinking rotgut whiskey and reading
between the lines of cocaine
just killing time
line after line
they were in no hurry there'd be other days

~ D Donner ~
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My Demons

like to play scrabble. When they break out the Devil's Dictionary, I call foul. Rough edged verses - make a nice book on line with Amazon: Hell On The Edge or some such. It is about legacy. :D  Lady A