Is there still a rainbow after the rain

I've become a prisoner to sorrow
and within the walls of my suffering mind
I wonder how does it feel to fall in love again
do you think after all the hurt and the pain
Is there still a rainbow after the rain


~ D Donner ~


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SSmoothie's picture

Always! But it never lasts :)

Always! But it never lasts :) great write!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

allets's picture

I Can Imagine Rainbows


but I'd rather imagine wealth and lots of vacations, gardens that bloom perpetually, light ice and snow winters, and a pain free existence. To love again would be dangerous to my health. A liberated man at my age would be virtually impossible to find and a young man would also be dangerous to my physical and mental health. The maintenance issues and hormones combined might kill me. I will send metaphorical apple pie with a saw in it so you can stage a breakout. Love and best of the best wishes for ease of mind and calmness of spirit – Allets -