The Days We Will Remember

We are young
and we are fools
embracing life
and breaking rules.
Living life
from day to day
pushing on
finding our way.
Our heads held high,
our vision skewed,
thoughts flying fast,
words come out rude.
And if we dare
we'll question you
in telling us
what we should do.
Survive the day
to live the night-
Party away:
our hearts take flight.
'Cause what we do
is just have fun-
we're friends with
almost anyone.
And deep in love
we're quick to fall.
We blindly love.
We give our all.
But also hearts
are broken fast-
they say these things
can never last.
But we will cope
through a sad song,
then shrug it off,
and move along.
Our lives are flawed
so perfectly.
We're living young,
and wild, and free.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

So as you may have noticed I haven't really decided on a title yet... I was thinking something like "The Days of Our Youth" or something of the sorts. Also I still intend to revise it like A LOT considering it still seems kinda scattered to me..

ANY input is greatly appreciated!! :)

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a.griffiths57's picture

    Your poem portrays the



Your poem portrays the young, living for the moment, very well, with little pause for memories in the making. I like your poem very much. Very carefree.

SSmoothie's picture

Immaturely invincible! Invincibly young.

We are young

Sacrificial truth of youth

Remember the days in the old school yard

Glory days - glory dazed!

Days of our young...

Don't know of any help...
Perhaps a spring board to diving into a title wave of youthful ideas for names? ;) good luck, great poem! Loved it!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."