Trying My Best to Fail

...When it comes to winning, I lose before I even begin

When it comes to failure, I always manage to win...

Give me the key to your heart, so I can make copies to give to all my friends or maybe even throw it away

Teach me the visible spectrum, so I can look outside and marvel at the black rainbow and the many shades of gray

Tell me your feelings for me, so I can plagiarize them and pretend I feel the same

Teach me all of the rules, so I can cheat in this corrupted game

Silence me and tell me to whisper, so I can rebel, scream, and shout

Teach me how to hit a home run, so you can hopelessly watch me strike out

Teach me how to sing, so I can bleed my heart out on stage

Turn the lock with your key and set me free, only to forever be locked in my rusty cage

...The key to your heart is buried in your precious treasure chest, but that same key locked me behind iron bars in jail

Second chances for success have been selfishly wasted, giving birth to numerous opportunities to fail...

Lead me to the path to your heart, so I can get lost on the opaque trail

Teach me how to earn an A+ in your life, so I can slack off and fail

Place all of your trust in me, so you will never know that I always lie

Teach me how to laugh, so you can watch me cry

Educate me about art, so I can proudly display my masterpiece of broken hearts and tears

Teach me to have faith and to think everything will be okay, so I can forever live in disbelief and fear

Offer me lessons on how to swim, so I can weep myself an ocean of tears and drown

Teach me how to smile, so you can always witness this failure frown

...You gave me a map of our love, but even with a compass I managed to get lost on the trail

Empty promises to live to my true potential have paved the road for brand new ways to fail...

Tell me all of the answers, so I can continue to wonder "what if" and "why"

Tragically witness me freefall to my fatality when you teach me how to fly

Teach me about love and peace, so I can start World War III

Stitch my eyes shut, so reality I can finally see

Help me and calm me, so I can become just another basket case

Teach me how to win the race, so I can finish in last place

Give me all the extra credit and second chances in the world, so i can barely pass

Teach me how to love you, so I can flunk the class

...You assigned a pop quiz about bliss, but I left the paper blank and failed to offer any detail

Assignments to showcase my accomplishments have proudly displayed my ability to fail...

Teach me about Science, so I know which chemicals and drugs will end this pain in the quickest way

Teach me about the human heart, so I can be aware of this indescribable pain that I feel in my chest everyday

Teach me about English, so I know the most sincere and proper way to say "goodbye"

Teach me about Mathmatics, so I know the correct numbers to dial 911 when my dreams derail and future dies

Teach me about Religion, so I can pray to your God and tell him that I don't believe that he exists

Teach me about good sportsmanship, so I can greet the opponent with a closed fist

Teach me about History, so I can compare the Great Depression and the Black Plague to the epitome of my very own

Teach me everything you I know that when it comes to heartache, I am not alone

...When it comes to finishing last, I'm always first in line

When success knocks on my door, I choose to refuse and decline...

When you told me to never give up, I waved my white flag so high and in the air it persisted to sail

You said that there's no hope for me to succeed, so now I'm trying my best to fail

...Teach me how to love you, so I can forever fail your corrupted class...

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Jane Wilson's picture

This is one of my faves (:
You're an amazing writer, honestly all of your poems I've read are immense, and I'm getting through them all haha (:
Keep on writing (:

Amanda Holland's picture

Rather long, but kept my attention till the end. I liked the part about the black rainbow.